"We must see Truth, as we see light. Although it has no form, it is able to illuminate and guide us. It is able to penetrate, occupy and transform.

Yet, the light of Truth is much more. It is God's omnipresence that can not be chained, contained, or bent." Mishael

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


“and this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.”  If we are His children...we love Him.  If we have wisdom... we fear Him, but if we know Him, He lives within us and we become imitators of Him, abounding in love, righteousness and holiness.


My brothers and sisters, there is comfort in knowing God.  Great is His faithfulness towards us.  Although, He reigns over the vastness of the universe, He is mindful of that which He reached down and formed out of the dust.

He nurtures His children to grow in faith, love and spiritual maturity and to increase ever in number.  Through His Holy Spirit, He speaks to us with love, kindness and understanding, for He knows our heart. His love for us is beyond our understanding.  It is unending and unchanging. 

To know Him is to be humbled by His greatness--His matchless power and might--His creativity--His compassion--His joy--His patience and more.  To know Him is to understand that He never changes  He will be who, what, where, that which He will be.  He always has the same character and power, He is the same God manifested in His Son and His Holy Ghost, which we know as the Trinity.

 I like to use the analogy of cutting a piece of cake to explain the Trinity and God's Immutability.  Cut a piece of cake from a whole cake and each piece is still comprised of the same ingredients. It has changed form, but it is still the same cake, with the same flavor and characteristics.

So it was when God created the Trinity.  He imparted His Word and Power in the form of Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Each is still God, unchanged, having His character and power, but different form.

The Old Testament shows us God's character.  He has not changed today.  If we surrender to God's Will, that same character will be manifested in us, through His Holy Spirit.

 Those who do not understand the Trinity may perceive Jesus Christ as taking away from God's glory.  Like the Pharisee, their lack of understanding or hardened hearts may tell them that Jesus' claim to be God's Son is blasphemous.  Many religions see Christian worship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as polytheism.  Many are confused by Jesus' claim that the Father is in Him and He is in the Father.  This is where mustard seed faith and spiritual vision are essential to finding truth and escaping darkness. 

To understand the Trinity, one must believe and acknowledge that we are spiritual beings.  Our spirits came from God, just like Adam.  Jesus is a spiritual being.  His spirit is the Word of God manifested in the flesh, born into this world, as God's only begotten Son.  In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.  God's transcendent attribute makes Him free of the physical limitations of this world.

Jesus said, I am the Truth,  the Way and the Life.  Was He taking glory and power away from God, the God we know who can impart His Word to create Heaven and Earth?  We acknowledge that Heaven and Earth are of God and can not exist without Him. Jesus said the Father is in Me and I am in the Father. Jesus professed to be of God. Was He blaspheming against the God who made us from dust in His image and breathed His breath of life into us?  We are of God, each sent with a plan and a purpose.  We can not limit the power of God or what He chooses to do for man nor whom He chooses to bless or to give life.  If Jesus took away from God's glory, honor and power, then, there was no truth in Him.  Yet, He always honored and glorified His Father.  His life's pathway, shined a light to the Kingdom of God and everlasting life.  His death showed His complete obedience and His love for His Father and His children.


"God breathed life into the first Adam.  Into the second Adam, Jesus Christ, God breathed His all powerful Word, that through His Son, man can become a new creature and have eternal life."

God walked among Adam and Eve in the garden, He walked through the camp of Israel.  He has shown us that He has desire and authority to live amongst His creation.  He reveals himself to man in many forms.  His wisdom and love knows what is needed for man.  As men had disregard for God's laws, God moved to the next stage of His plan for the salvation of His creations.

So, why didn't God give us His Holy Spirit when He created the first man?  God doesn't make mistakes.  In the beginning, God was with Adam, just as the disciples were with Jesus. who, like God, cast His Light around them.   The character of God's love is not possessive, but extends free will in Heaven and on Earth.  Like man, many of the angels did not appreciate what they had been given and rebelled.  As conquerors of the world, our victories against darkness become their saving grace, saints who will one day judge the fallen. We are children and soldiers who have learned the perils of darkness and have chosen to serve a righteous God.  We are in the midst of a spiritual and heavenly battle, which will one day come to an end when Christ's army defeats the darkness.  Why not now?  That which is everlasting must be tempered to last and when it is finished, it can not be undone.  He who holds the key of David will shut the door and no one else will open it.

"We must see Truth, as we see light, although it has no form, it is able to illuminate and guide us.  It is able to penetrate, occupy and transform.  But the light of Truth is much more, it is God's omnipresence that can not be chained or contained or bent. "

John 3:11-13 (KJV)

11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

When men perceive Christ only in the form of a man, then Christian worship of Him appears to be idolatry and blasphemous. Yet, Jesus was God's manifested Word.  The same Word that created the moon and the stars.  Yet, this manifested Word, in the flesh, this Truth, was God, because the Word was there in the beginning, it was God.

John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

God breathed life into the first Adam, into the second Adam, Jesus Christ, He breathed His all powerful Word, that through Him, man can become a new creature and have everlasting life. God Will Be What He Will Be.   Christians, must live in Christ, so there is no doubt that God walks among men once again.


My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have reached a day that has been designated as a coming together in unity, for the purpose of giving thanks--Thanksgiving Day.  However, I can not help but wonder how many people who say, "Happy Thanksgiving", will actually give thanks.  And if they give thanks, I can not help but wonder who they will be giving thanks to and what they will be giving thanks for.

I can not help but wonder how much thought will be given to the many people who believe they have nothing to be thankful for.  How many churches will be closed?  How many people will have to work and be forbidden to pray and thank God in their workplace?.  I can not help but wonder how many Christians will be more excited about the the following shopping day, Black Friday, than they are about giving thanks.

As we give thanks; as we pay homage to God, who has given us everything, what are we offering Him; our hearts; our repentance?  Will He respect that which we offer?

How did Christians get so twisted and turned around?  Why did the church go astray? There are churches created under various doctrine, incorporated and functioning in various aspects, in the name of God.  Yet, they have allowed themselves to be detoured from the Gospel in order to serve in a worldly capacity, promoting self-indulgence, sexual immorality, prosperity and idol worship.   Instead of helping to reform the lost, they have allowed themselves to be reformed and become lost.  The enemy has blinded them from seeing, that despite their efforts, they have become counterproductive to the spreading of the Gospel and building God's Kingdom..

We have painfully watched as many conform Christianity to fit their needs, avoiding and reinterpreting scripture, so not to offend anyone or lose members.  We have painfully watched as ministers and church leaders have abused authority and the very same flock they are to protect.   However, be reminded of Jesus' spoken word and understand we are at the beginning of an unfinished symphony; that will end with the clash of thunder and the flash of lightening,


Matthew 24:9-11 (NKJV)

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.

Still, it is saddening to watch those who profess faith, groping blindly in darkness.  They have forsaken their first love in order to gain acceptance in the world.  Meanwhile, they continue to build even more, bigger, and supposedly, better institutions.  They reap from God's fields to serve their needs. They replace obedience to God with acceptance of the world's wickedness.  They replace long-suffering with immediate gratification and over-indulgence. 

Their mission is not to teach God's people how to enter the Kingdom, for they do not preach the Kingdom...they preach the world.  They avoid the message of true repentance, dying to self and living in Christ; for if it be not in their own can they teach another?  They fear conquering the world because it might mean giving up worldly pleasures, desegregating churches, smaller offerings and pay checks and giving the church back to Christ.  It might mean truly seeking God's face and pleasing Him--not the world. The mission of a worldly church is to uphold the institution and support it's doctrine.  False doctrine must be fed by worldly principles, for it can not digest the truth of Kingdom principles.  My brothers and sisters, I am pressed to tell you that we are our brother's keeper.  But, is this enough, Father?
"My grace is sufficient."  2 Corinthians 12:9

There are those who curse the structural teachings of Paul, which they believe have led to false doctrine, misinterpretations of the Bible, and abuse of authority within the church.  However, to take this stance, one must assume that God makes mistakes. 

Paul was chosen for many reasons, some which are not readily apparent and require us to trust God and His wisdom.  We know that Jesus chose to speak metaphorically, in order to create a smoke screen , or filter, for those who had ears (true and righteous hearts) to understand His message.  Paul's recreated administrative hierarchy and rules of the Pharisee, gave the adversary opportunity to implant idolatry and legalism within the church.  However, God is all knowing and used this to create exactly the same thing--a smoke screen, as well as a filter, to hide and protect, weed out and refine the true Body of Christ .

Through His infinite wisdom, God awakens and protects the true Body of Christ. The wheat will continue to grow side by side with the tares, until it is time for Jesus to return and reap the harvest.  Until that time, my brothers and sisters, keepers of the true gospel, the Body of He who keeps us from sin and gives us everlasting life, I am pressed to tell you that we are our brother's keeper.

 Paul was given the charge to be a witness for Christ and to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles so that they could be grafted onto the vine.  Now, the institutional church has chosen to cut itself loose from the true vine and form a new vine rooted in the world.  Its fruit is tainted by the sin of the world for they have traded righteousness for acceptance and holiness to be politically correct.  As a result, the darkness engulfs them and envelopes the world.  It is no longer necessary to conquer the world.  In their eyes, if you are a good Christian, you are prosperous and of the world.  Discipleship has been eradicated and membership has taken its place.  It is not even necessary to know who is a member or how many are members--the more the merrier; for it increases status and is monetarily beneficial to the institution.   Members feel more accountable to the institution than to the Word of God. Now, we must remember that disciples are accountable to Christ.  My brothers and sisters, I am pressed to tell you that we are our brother's keeper.

How can we speak to those who believe they have everything and have found true worship?  It is difficult walking in the midst of those who are asleep.  How do you talk to them?  After a while you realize they are asleep and your words have no value.  There is no relationship.  What do we do?  How do we live amongst them?  Father, what do you want us to do?!!!

Take care of them.

We all know the story of the Good Samaritan: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Luke 10:34-36 (NKJV)

34 So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.’ 36 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”

It is no longer a question whether or not churches have become institutionalized. The question is, “What are the consequences of an institutionalized church having cut itself off from the true vine to pursue its own agenda?"  Its agenda does not allow it to serve God first.  God has gotten in the way of its worldly pursuits.  An institutionalized church can not thrive and survive on Kingdom principles.  It sells Christ but has replaced Christ as the head in order to promote and support its own doctrine and religious authority.  Growth is replaced by stagnation in order to continue its cycle and remain in a catatonic state.  It is more concerned with behavior within the organization than outside, therefore it operates on double-standards and hypocrisy.

Discipleship is replaced by membership.  Membership is often a criteria in order to participate or receive support.  Leaders and clergy are most often idolized and have more authority than the Word of God.  Rituals are deeply rooted within the doctrine of the church to establish control and identity.  As it has rejected the wisdom and teachings of God's Holy Spirit, it remains in a state of ignorant bliss.  How do we get through to them?  What do we say?!

Tell them the Truth.  Speak My Word—the True Gospel.


Ephesians 6:18-21 (NKJV)

18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— 19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

While these institutions preach faith, they teach religion, in order to maintain religious authority.  Through false doctrine and pride, they try to limit God's power, to gain power themselves, selling "feel good" religion, like an opium, to keep people coming back for more.  They create bench warmers instead of disciples and leave their flock unattended. Can a farmer plant seeds and leave his field unattended, expecting it to grow and thrive? Yet, this is what we see in today's churches, seeds that are planted, but like wild weeds, they have no direction...some lack fertile ground...some are snatched away...some are strangled or overshadowed by weeds...wither and die . Nonetheless, my brothers and sisters, I am pressed to tell you that we are our brother's keeper.  God says that we must...

Lead them.

Isaiah 42:16
I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them.

Today, the world population consists of billions of people and the Word of God has reached many. Yet, there are more lost souls than ever before. God has allowed it, for He is like a refiners fire. He has set us in our wilderness of purification.  The time is approaching to lead the children out. It is not the end of the story, nor the final goal, nor the end of our world, but the beginning--the preparation for the coming of Christ.

As more people turn away from God, they choose to adopt secularism.  They join those who set out to destroy or disprove the Bible, in order to live in sin, free from guilt.  Throughout the world, they have been aided by false doctrine, which has decreased faith and devotion to God.


My brothers and sisters, we have sensed an intolerable betrayal of the Gospel, within the workings of the institutional churches of today.  In our frustration, we have thought it best to distance ourselves.  Yet, God has never forsaken us. He has kept us through every temptation and trial and continues to mature us.  Should we forsake our brothers and sisters, leaving them prey to wolves and lost in ignorance?  What believer in God's infinite power has not witnessed God turn what Satan intends for evil into good?  What believer in God's mercy has not witnessed Him make an enemy a footstool and even a protector?

Christ turned Paul from being His enemy and purposed him for good. Yet, like us, Paul struggled with his pride daily and even more the political indoctrination of the Romans and legalism of the Pharisee.  Paul thought it only right that he be afforded special privileges because of his heritage.  He demanded allegiances, and set up strict doctrine and structures. Yet, we must look at the people and culture of the times before judging and condemning Paul. The first Christians were indeed Jews who were use to worshiping in a temple run by a hierarchy of religious leaders.  They needed organization and leadership in order to survive.  God does what is needed to preserve and protect His own. Paul, with all his knowledge and experience, was a necessary and useful vessel to spread the Gospel, as well as a remarkable witness and testimony of God's redeeming and transforming power.

God's transforming power continues, as we look inside the institutional church.  There are many asleep like caterpillars within a cocoon.  They await their change and awakening.  We can criticize, tear down and reform the church over and over again, only to create more denominations and religious sects.  We can fan the smoke screen, but our efforts will be in vain, for it is God’s will that it exists.  If we try to destroy the institutional church, we risk destroying those growing inside.  Remember, we all started out in a cocoon, until we were awakened.    If  we destroy the cocoon, Satan will devour what is inside.  We can not pull up the tares without destroying the wheat. 
We have been blessed to emerge and join the Body of Christ.  Now, we are in the world, but not of the world.  As citizens of the Kingdom, we conform our lives to reflect God's will on earth as it is in heaven.  If we walk in the light, we are partakers in true discipleship and worship.  We are truly blessed.  However, my brothers and sisters, I am pressed to tell you that we are our brothers' keeper.

This holiday, we celebrate America's first settlers.  They set out on their voyage to America as a divided people.  One group called themselves "Saints".  The "Saints" called the other group "Strangers".  They had different beliefs and often bickered amongst themselves; even when many of them were dying.  However when they reached the untamed land in America, they knew that the only way to survive was to join together.  They united and called themselves, "Pilgrims".

Yet, without the help of two Native Americans, who saw beyond the differences between themselves and the settlers, they would have never survived.  The Native Americans saw people...human beings, like themselves...who needed help.  They valued life and knew the meaning of being their brothers' keeper.

Together, they celebrated their survival and unity.  The Pilgrims continued to celebrate annually to remember where they had come from; what they had gone through; and how God had sent help for them to survive, through the Native Americans. 

Should we forget where we came from?   Can we survive--divided?  Should we continue to allow our brother to perish by our hand and expect God to accept our offering?  If we heed the call to take up the cross of Jesus and follow Him, we must feed His flock, not deterred by rejection and persecution. We press on. Not deterred by lack of material things and monetary reward. We still press on. We are sustained by a Higher Power who has promised us a Kingly reward and who will provide what is needed for our work.

So, let us not faint nor hesitate to take up our armor and press on. The true Gospel must reach the institutional church to awaken the sleeping as well as those in the world.  As some mature, their eyes will be opened.  We must have patience with them while they learn to see with their new eyes, for the church of the world is all they have known. We must lead them to true discipleship; for WE ARE OUR BROTHERS' KEEPER.

By the Grace and Mercy of God, WITH ALL THANKS AND GLORY TO GOD!
your servant, 