"We must see Truth, as we see light. Although it has no form, it is able to illuminate and guide us. It is able to penetrate, occupy and transform.

Yet, the light of Truth is much more. It is God's omnipresence that can not be chained, contained, or bent." Mishael

Sunday, August 18, 2013


DISCIPLESHIP: Who, What and How?
How do we create disciples?  We do not create them--Jesus does.  How do we win disciples?  We do not--it is not a challenge, contest, nor a membership quota.  How do we teach others how to be disciples?  We do not--it is not a lesson we can teach, for each disciple is taught through the Holy Spirit, who gives wisdom and understanding, supplies what is lacking, removes what is unclean and instills the power and  love of God.

Discipleship is a relationship with Jesus--a relationship that instills Jesus' love and power, which we exemplify and bestow upon others.  Jesus provides a relationship in which we abide in Him to be perfected.  Our ability to overcome, through Christ, lifts up the name of Jesus and draws men to Him. Power to change and save man, lies in His name, alone.  He shines a light through us that lights the way to Truth.

Jesus requests for others to follow Him, is not in reference to an earthly journey or destination.  We are to follow His example and have a relationship with Him that will lead us to God and the Kingdom.    Jesus' parables demonstrated to His disciples the will of God for His Kingdom, so that that which is done in Heaven will be done on earth.  He told them that, if they abide in Him and do the will of the Father, they will find that the Kingdom of God is within them.  After He ascended into Heaven, Jesus returned and breathed into them His Holy Spirit, then, sent them out into the world.

So, how can we increase discipleship?  What are we expected to do to lead others to discipleship?  We do just that...we lead.  We lead the way, so that others will follow, just as Jesus continues to lead us, through His Holy Spirit.  As His disciples, we must take His gospel into the world.  This does not mean that everyone must continuously travel, spreading the Gospel.  As we live our lives, within the world, we walk as Jesus' disciples.  In our daily walk, with Christ, we spread His Gospel and compel others to have a relationship with Him.  We can witness to others about our relationship with Jesus.  However, our walk...our walk, the way in which we live, work, love and carry ourselves, along with our faithfulness to God...this walk, the light and truth within us, must prove that we are truly His followers. It is truth, which will lead others to Christ and to become His disciple. 


Through our walk, we show others the path we follow.  So, we must be careful not to stray from that path, lest we be a stumbling block to others.  Our walk shows others that we can conquer the world, through Christ.  Our walk shows others how to solve worldly problems through accountability to God and Godly love.  Our walk shows that there is always a road ahead and you are never at a dead end.  Our walk shows hope and love.  Our walk provides others with a look at Jesus.  The choice becomes theirs to follow Him.  Only a look at Jesus, even a glimpse, can change hearts, calm storms, heal sickness and cast out evil.

By all accounts, Jesus should have had thousands of disciples, but all did not choose to follow Him.  Many thought it too hard because they would have to give up worldly things, people in their lives and surrender their will to God.  Yes, many heard Jesus speak, as the Word of God, and many believed Him.  Many believed because of His miracles.  However, true belief and discipleship is not only in mind, but in spirit.  Like the rich man, who did not want to sell his possessions (Matthew 19:16-24), one can believe, but choose not to follow and have a relationship with Jesus.  Jesus had disciples that began to follow, but found it too hard to continue because they feared or loved the world.  They took their eyes off of Jesus and sank into darkness. 


Is it the responsibility of the church to lead people to discipleship? Yes, but many churches are in competition with Christ.  Many churches focus on the support of their own doctrine, rituals, membership, agenda and authority.  When we are in Christ, He alone is the authority.  Through Christ, we are free of false doctrine and legalism.  Christ focuses on bringing us to spiritual maturity for the Kingdom and everlasting life. To Christ, membership is of no importance, for all who follow, belong to Him.   To expect the institutional church to instill discipleship within it's members is to place " a kingdom against itself."  Jesus said, " "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and a house divided against a house falls."  (Luke 11:17)  They will not cut off their own foot, nor will they cast stones at themselves.  Their lack of faith, love of self and the world, keeps them from believing in discipleship and truly looking at Jesus.  They need people to remain weak, sinful, hateful, lovers of the world and ignorant of Truth, in order to support their institution and cover their deceit that they lead people to follow religion.  A church that leads people to Jesus, leads people to discipleship.


We can argue that we need to fix these types of churches.  We can argue that we don't need more mega churches.  We can argue that we should hold ministers accountable for the lack of discipleship within the church.  We...we...we.  In making these arguments, we must not forget that God is in control.  Just as He protects the true Body of Christ, He has a plan for true discipleship. 

Before we start assessing what we need and do not need; or what we can and can not do, or what should be done, we must not forget to acknowledge, proclaim and fear what God can do, could do and would do if it were not for His grace and mercy.  Let us submit to the will and power of God. When we base the functionality and fate of the church upon our own desires, assumptions, prejudice and short-sightedness, we attempt to limit the power of God, who is all knowing.  God is always in control. 

When we don't see God changing or controlling a situation, we want to change or control it ourselves. However, God is always in control.  God allows things in order that we may see His purifying power, which is part of the grace and mercy He bestows upon us.  When God allows, He is providing an opportunity to  help us distinguish and discern holiness and righteousness.  Every adverse situation is an opportunity for God to be glorified.

Our "we" and "I" should always give God glory, honor and power'  and acknowledge that without Him, we can do nothing.  Instead of focusing on what needs to be corrected, removed, or limited, we can ask God if it is His will to use us, within the situation, that He may be glorified and others will be led to the Kingdom. 


Jesus told His disciples, " It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!"  (Luke 17:1)  Let us not be so distracted by these offenses so that our light becomes darkness and we can not be effective disciples and vessels for Christ.  The book of Revelation contains Christ's letters to the churches.  He knew many churches would fall to the darkness in the world and warns them even now of their lack of faith, their betrayal of their first love and their alignment with the evil one.

That, which is in the world, is for the world and will remain until the appointed time. However, be mindful of that which God allows, for God can change things and people of the world into good  and use them for His purpose, for He has all power.

There are those,  in the world, having heard the Word, by choice, choose to remain of the world.  Blessed are those, in the world, who have looked at Jesus, heard His voice and are no longer of the world.  And just as we, through His power, have been changed to become one, we are purposed for His good.  As disciples, we become not only the voice of Jesus' Gospel, but the image of Him that others see.  In order for them to see Jesus, we must let His light shine through us.  To be certain the light within us is not darkness, we must keep our eyes on Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; for we have a charge to keep and a God to glorify.


Jesus made sure that everyone would have opportunity to follow Him.  He sent His disciples out into the world, to heal the sick, forgive sins, and draw others into the Kingdom.  The difference between success of one person over another is often opportunity.  God provides a multitude of opportunities for everyone to hear His Word.  Jesus continues to send teachers, preachers, evangelists, prophets and apostles to equip the saints.  And if we be equipped, need we have fear of the tactics of the enemy, or should we, His disciples, seize each opportunity before us to glorify our God?  It is something to think about the next time we forget that...God is in control.  We need only to take a look at Jesus.

Monday, August 12, 2013


"The answer to your prayer begins with your measure of faith. 

Too often, we ask God to do what we really don't believe He can do, or we want Him to do all the work,  when our faith is the answer to our problem.  He has given us power, through our faith in Christ, to conquer the world.    

Lord, increase our faith."



My brothers and sisters,

My heart is filled with love and joy in the knowledge that we are one in the Spirit.  The Father is in the Son. The Son is in the Father.  We are one with the Father, Son and His Holy Ghost.  Through the sacrifice and petition of Jesus, we are One.  (John 17:20, 21)

I speak not of our individual relationship with the Trinity, but of our combined relationship together.  I speak not of a church congregation or membership (for they are not one), but an inseparable fusion and fellowship.  You and I, through the power of His Holy Ghost, are one.  What does this mean? How can many become one?  We must see beyond our flesh.  We are spiritual beings, linked with other spiritual beings, through His Holy Spirit.  Why?  In order that we may be perfected together.  So, that, we may be of one mind to move as the Body of Christ.  So, that, we may be a powerful force against the darkness.  So, that, we will draw others to Christ.  So, that, the love of Christ in us will prove to the world that He was God's Son.  (John 17:22,23)


Know this, my brothers and sisters, that you may be a more effective vessel, within the Body of Christ.  As we are one with His Holy Spirit, we are one when we pray. What does this mean?  It means that with this knowledge, we can be more effective as a body.  It means that as you pray, His Holy Spirit within us all hears and acts on your behalf.  Even if I am not aware of what you have prayed for, I can be an effective vessel.  His Holy Spirit, the Father and Son, within us, can place it upon my heart to pray for what is needed and use me accordingly.  It is not magical, mystical or paranormal, for we never give Satan credit for what belongs to God.  Through the power of God, we are given wisdom and guidance, discernment and remembrance.  His Holy Spirit can bring to mind situations and scriptures that will help and lead us to pray for others, go to others and act on their behalf.  Why use others to pray, also?  Because, we are one and everything we do effects those around us. When we ask our Father for something, He responds.  Prayer changes things, for Jesus said that if we ask in His name and it be the will of the Father, it will be given.

Know this, also, that you may be a more effective vessel.  Prayer shows faith in God.  It is not a time of doubt but an affirmation of His power and ability to do all things. 

Prayer is not only for times of weakness and need.  Prayer is a time to offer yourself as a willing vessel to do His will.  

It is a time to prepare for spiritual battle and be strengthened.  It is a time for intercession. 

Prayer is a time to tell Him what is in your heart and let Him know you are His. It is a time to praise and love God. 


Prayer shows God your measure of faith and that you place your faith in Him.  The answer to your prayer begins with your measure of faith.  Too often, we ask God to do what we really don't believe He can do, or we want Him to do all the work, when our faith is the answer to our problem. He has given us power, through our faith in Christ, to conquer the world.  Lord, increase our faith.

When you pray, do not pray as if your words are floating upward to be caught by God, or as if He has to strain to hear them, or do not think that only angels, clergy, dead saints or the mother of Jesus can intercede for you.  For we are His saints and His Holy Spirit, the living presence of God, is within us.  Through Christ, we are given the privilege of supplication, in His name. 

Acknowledge God's presence within you.  Center yourself and fill yourself with prayer.  Be filled with His Holy Spirit, who hears and acts on our behalf.  When we are in battle, just as Jesus prayed in the garden, we must fill each fiber of our being with prayer.  As the Body of Christ, we pray unceasingly.  Our lives become a prayer for the Kingdom.  How is this possible?  Through faith.

I pray that you have ears to hear what I tell you and through His Holy Spirit, it will be revealed as truth.  I tell you nothing new, for it is the spoken word of Jesus, that we are one.  Yet, it is one of many things that Satan does not want you to know or believe, so that we will remain divided and weak. 

Above all things, know this--no one can limit the power of God!  He is the same today as He was yesterday and will be forever more.  As He spoke to His people through His Holy Spirit, long ago, He continues to speak today.  Those who belong to Him, hear Him.

When we have true faith in God, we know that He is aware of our every need and will provide for us.  God wants to mature and equip us so that we can be used to meet the needs of others.  Let us, listen to His voice, so that our prayers reflect what is needed and our surrender to His will.


Lord, let our life be hope for the downtrodden and those who have given up.

Use us Lord, to show true repentance, that you may be glorified and others will repent

May we be an example to show others how to forgive

Purify our hearts to love others as you love us

Create in us a clean spirit and a steadfast love

Use us, Lord, to comfort those in sorrow and distress

Use us, Lord, to feed the hungry and provide clothing and shelter

Use us, Lord, to heal the sick

Lord, let our life reflect the joy you have given us

Help us to live in truth and righteousness

Let us bring peace within a troubled world 

Strengthen us to be soldiers of light and vigilant watchmen

Use us, Lord, to protect your Kingdom

Keep us from the evil one 

Lord, help us to live a life of true discipleship to bring others to you

Help us to nurture and protect your children

Use us to feed your flock 

May we speak your Word boldly

Jesus, let our life show others that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Although, they may be heavy laden with the cares of this world, when they take upon your yoke, they can stand in the knowledge that they have a Father in Heaven who holds us in His hands ; who will deliver us; and will never leave us alone.

Jesus, help us to abide in you.  Jesus, increase our faith.
We love you, Lord.  Where can we look without seeing the magnificent work of your hands? There is no love like yours that manifests itself so greatly to fill a universe.  Knowing you has given us life, whereas, we were unknowingly asleep with sin and death.  Now, there is no life without your truth and righteousness.   The world hangs upon the breath of your grace and mercy.  We hunger for your holiness and your living Word.
Father, awaken the sleeping and prepare us for the battles and trials ahead; for the time of spiritual war is at hand.  You have given us so many talents and skills to prepare the way.  Guide us, Lord.  Help us to equip those to come who must stand on the front lines until you come, Jesus.
In their time of struggle give them comfort in knowing that life on earth can be hard by choice or circumstance, but it is for a time and season.  But, God gives us assurance that through His grace and mercy, even the most wretched, hungry soul, tormented, abused or beyond pain, can find comfort in Christ who feeds the spirit and prepares a better place. 
Although a man be too weak to speak or unable to raise or fold a hand in prayer.  God hears the silence and feels the pain.  Others may look on him as hopeless and accursed, but this poor soul, through God has been blessed, for he lights the way for others to the Kingdom.
Help them light the way, Father.  This we humbly pray, in your name, Jesus
We submit ourselves to your will and your way.  United together.  We are One.

We give you all glory, honor and power, with praise,

 Have Thy Way Lord, We Stand Fast

Your servants, within Your Kingdom



Finally, remember this--Our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith.  Abide in Him and your faith will be perfected. You are never alone. We are One. (Hebrews 12:1,2)

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
