"We must see Truth, as we see light. Although it has no form, it is able to illuminate and guide us. It is able to penetrate, occupy and transform.

Yet, the light of Truth is much more. It is God's omnipresence that can not be chained, contained, or bent." Mishael

Saturday, December 21, 2013


1 Peter 1:8 (KJV)
Whom having not seen, ye love;
in whom, though now ye see him not,
yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

Men and Women of God, Rejoice, Rejoice Always; For our loving Father has set you free and you are free indeed!

          When you have been set free, you begin to notice things that weren't quite so obvious before.  I use to live in fear and most of the time, when I was around people, I thought, I was the only one afraid, timid, insecure, lacking confidence and courage.  I believed I was supposed to develop and possess characteristics that can only be transferred by abiding in the Father, Son and His Holy Spirit.  Now, I am ever so amazed, when I look around me, that practically everyone I see is afraid.  Sometimes the fear lashes out, but most of the time it is subtle and quiet in order to maintain its grip. It maintains a grip on us and we can not understand why we feel insecure, distrusting, depressed, and angry; or why we choose to discriminate and hate.  Fear robs us of Truth and the fulfillment of true joy.

Others do not want to see you rejoice, for they are still in bondage.  It was while the Holy Spirit was manifesting true joy that now radiates from within me, that I noticed, fear staring and glaring at me in wonder; disgust; ridicule; and anger...even hatred.  How could I dare be happy, when everyone else was tired, irritated and miserable?  We were simply not there to enjoy one another’s company.  That would be too grueling; and no one would dare attempt such a thing, for fear of making a spectacle of one self. 

It was after a long night of work, that joy came to reward my soul, as I traveled home on the bus.  Most of the passengers on the bus did not recognize true joy, so they looked at me curiously.  A few, knew and realized that I could not contain that kind of joy, but still, caught up in their pride, they looked at me as if they had never seen true joy before; not wanting to be associated with spiritual manifestation.  Certainly, they had never behaved like that before and certainly, not on a public bus; others could not relate to it at all, so they became indifferent. 

To resolve the conflict within, each began to respond according to the darkness they held within.  The air was tense and body language, facial expressions, expletives, grunts and comments revealed that my joy was embarrassing, irritating, uninteresting, uncomfortable, funny, ridiculous, inappropriate, senseless, and insane. As my joy continued, similar responses were directed towards me to let me know that my behavior was regarded as stupidity, imbalance; vanity; an attempt to get attention; an act of seduction, or desperation from a lonely, unstable, old person.  Even after explaining my behavior and the One who had led me to experience such a state of joy, no one said anything, because they were afraid, but it was clear that I was the odd-ball on the bus. 

Some, exited the bus scoffing, while others heaved a sigh of relief to be rid of my presence and return to enjoying their gloom without unwanted distractions;  as if I had deprived them of the satisfaction of being able to look at their world unobstructed by any light that might occupy the darkness they had grown accustom to living in.  Some people are just use to living in the dark.  They don’t see well in the Light and it hurts their eyes. 

I know it sounds like I’m describing something of the macabre, like vampires.  However, they’re not so very different from people who live their lives in darkness, repulsed by the Light and who thrive on making other people just like them. 


There is light even at night, and even a thief hiding and groping in the dark, knows the benefit of its revelation.  Yet, there are those who love themselves so much, taking pride in their own abilities to the extent that they would rather stumble and grabble in the dark, than move into the Light.

Would it have been better for me to try and turn off the Light and joy God had given me, so not to make everyone so uncomfortable?  Should I have told God, “I don’t want to thank and praise you now, God, because I don’t want to be a spectacle in the eyes of others?  I don’t want them to ridicule me and I don’t want to make them uncomfortable. “   More than once, but, many times in my life, I gave in to these thoughts and emotions and turned my back on God.  That use to be me.  I could not see in the dark.  What good was I to others who also could not see?

So, did I change anything on that bus?  Yes, I did.  I didn’t let that one night stop me and steal my joy.  I continued to express and show that after a long 12 hour day, I had joy unspeakable because of my Father.  People began to smile and giggle.  Others began to enjoy their music.  The cursing amongst the regular riders subsided; more people talked about God; and camaraderie set in to make the long ride home more enjoyable.  If I had not believed in the power of His Light, they would have changed me.  It would have been a long, miserable ride and I probably would have continued with that same attitude at home.

When we find ourselves surrounded by darkness, we have to make sure we are shining our Light; in other words—keeping our eyes on Jesus.  Jesus enables us to see through the darkness.  In the darkness of every raging storm; in the darkness of every long tunnel; in the darkness of every deep pit, we should see the Light before us, guiding us to Truth with calm assurance.

Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)
10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Once, you were blind, but now you see.  You have been freed and given sight.  You can see through darkness.  But, why has God given you this sight?  As you take your next breath of freedom, think on those who remain in bondage: those who are blinded by their hearts of stone; who worship God only with their lips, but are caught up in self, jealousy, arrogance and pride; those who believe that God does not exist because they can not see Him; who have been taught that the only organ we can see with is our eyes.  Yet, as a spiritual being, we have been given so much more.   

Like the body, the spirit must be fed to survive.  When you feed your spirit spiritual food, you have joy and peace.  The spirit must be fed only by the spring from which it has sprung, lest it be polluted by unclean waters.  My brothers and sisters, again, I am pressed to tell you that we are our brother's keeper and wherever we are—we must offer Living Water to drink
The Potter has made us over and we are fiercely made to hate evil and love righteousness. Through His Son we are perfected as saints. We have become imitators of God.  Tongues that once destroyed are changed to build and renew.  Hands that once hurt are changed to heal and give.  Hearts once hardened are softened to love and open doors.  Eyes once filled with darkness can reflect the light that is within.  Wayward feet walk in righteousness and stand in holiness.  If this were not so, I could not tell you, for I too was once blind in darkness, now, through His mercy I see. 

My brothers and sisters, I have been spared to tell you that we are our brother's keeper and wherever we are—we must shine the Light of Jesus.  I have been given night vision to see my brother in darkness so I can go in and lead him OUT!  I can walk in the Light to shine Christ’s Light upon him and show him that he is loved; there is true joy in the Light; keep your eyes on Jesus and follow me out of this darkness.   


Satan knows most Christians have become comfortable and they are filled with self-righteousness; not God’s righteousness.  They’ve gotten so comfortable, they’ve fallen asleep.  While we’re asleep, Satan comes and robs us of our children, friends and loved ones and we go on sleeping and playing being good Christians. 

Like my friends on the bus, Christians and church institutions are afraid to speak the truth because they still want to be part of the world.    They are in bondage to pride, self-interests and fear.  They have been silenced by self-preservation, activist groups and political dogma created to silence the Word of God.

Becoming a Christian is not a ‘get-out-of-jail and bondage free card’, as if we’re playing life in a game of Monopoly.  Becoming a Christian compels you tell Simon that it’s your turn to carry Jesus’ cross.  And when the world forgets or refuses to believe in Truth, you shine His Light for all to know that He is the Son of God.  No one can limit His power.   When you’re in the Light, you are clothed in holiness and righteousness.  You can feel and see the darkness around you.  It is revealed in the hearts of others who try to hide it from you.  Satan tiptoes around you, because he knows who you are and he knows the One who is within you. 

You go into the darkness and you speak BOLDLY in the name of Jesus, to reclaim His sheep.  As Christians we speak truth, in love, meaning, we speak the Word of God, offering hope and the salvation of Jesus Christ.  We speak righteousness.  We nurture faith and trust in God.  To judge is to condemn, without hope or reprieve.  Let there be no confusion among you, lest you be judged and condemned by God, yourself.  Speak truth and they judge themselves, for if they reject the truth, they reject God. 

John 18: 19-21
The High Priest Questions Jesus
19Meanwhile, the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching.
20“I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. 21Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.”

Does this sound like a timid man; a man who lives and walks in fear? Jesus knew that most people would not believe He was the Son of God or a prophet; just as most did not believe in the prophets He had sent before.   If they had, there would not have been reason for His coming and a new covenant.  Still, He spoke boldly.  The Body of Christ must speak boldly in righteousness, not cowering or swaying to the doctrine and politics of the world or being intimidated by the clever voice or persecution of darkness.  We stand.  We stand by the will of God, trusting His Divine Power, for we are a living testimony that man can overcome the world and live in holiness.

What is holiness, the world may ask; for what does the world know of holiness? The lack of holiness is why the world cries out for peace and an end to war, violence and crime.  The lack of holiness is why the world still cries out in hunger and famine.  The lack of holiness is why relationships are destroyed by selfishness, greed, lies and betrayal.  The lack of holiness is why the pride of man creates idols.  The lack of holiness is why most Christians serve God with their lips and man destroys himself.  Holiness is God.  We are not whole nor can we be holy without Him.


See Me! Says the Lord! I am all that is and ever will be! Taste and see the goodness of the Lord!  His is the water from a well that shall never run dry.  He is the water that will give you everlasting life and you shall thirst no more.  Glorify the Lord for He has made us in His image and given us power over darkness.  We are a little lower than the angels.  He sends them to aide us in our cause and to protect us as we walk through the darkness. 

Today is Mercy.  Tomorrow is Judgment.  Together, we must plow the road in-between to make straight the way of the Lord. When darkness falls upon us, we do not sleep; for we have eyes to see through and beyond the darkness into the marvelous Light.

1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV)
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost but now I’m found; was blind but now I see.   

Father, you are truly amazing.  Help your children see with Your eyes through the darkness that presses upon them.  Help them to reach Your Light and find true joy that You may use them to lead others out of the darkness.  Amen

By the grace and mercy of God

Your servant

Sunday, December 15, 2013

FAITH: The Real Issue

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We have lived to see another day and we can rejoice and be glad in it.  Our faith has led us to walk in the Light and live in the fullness of God’s Glory.  Yet, to be in the Light one must be aware that outside of the Light is darkness.  No one really likes to talk about darkness.  No one really likes to talk about sin.  But, as Believers, we should feel differently; for we are more than conquerors.  We should see sin as just another mountain to climb and conquer; another chain to break free from; another victory to claim because we have victory in Jesus!   But can you understand what it is like to not have COMPLETE FAITH IN GOD?  Do you know what happens to your mind—your soul?

Each day, we should shine our light to show others the way and expose the darkness around us.  We cannot ignore that darkness; nor allow it to obstruct our path.  We must remain circumspect of the effect it can have on us and others.  We cannot allow it to instill fear and change us.  If we are to lead others out of the darkness, we must expose the lie the darkness tells them.  We cannot be selective to what is called sin and what is not called sin in the world, nor can we choose which sins to expose or help free others from. 

A lie is a lie and one lie is built upon another.  If we allow Satan to build upon one lie after another, then we will find ourselves surrounded by lies and sin.  The Light of Jesus is Truth.  It does not hide itself under a basket because the world says you must believe in lies and tolerate them.  The Light of Jesus does not hide and believe there is nothing that can be done, because the Light of Jesus has POWER; power to cast out darkness.  So, my brothers and sisters let us shine our Light and expose the lies to lead others out of sin and cast out darkness!

As Christians, we believe God is our Creator and He created DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) that makes each one of us unique.  Through our differences, God shows us who He is.  He is a God of many differences, but, yet the same.  There are endless ways in which DNA can reconstruct itself.  In a world of billions of people, it is remarkable that there is nobody exactly like us.  We are uniquely different, yet, we are all human beings made in the image of God. 

Many believe that DNA makes us who we are and we cannot go against the pattern it has mapped out for us.  Can it be that DNA has such power and control over our mind we cannot help what our body is telling us to be and do?  Be it as it may, many are convinced that their genetic make-up can cause them to rebel against what God has created them to be. 

It sounds like an oxymoron and creates a paradox.  God created man and woman and God created DNA to create them.  The finished product is a man or woman.  Yet, if the man’s mind disagrees with the outcome of the DNA because it feels there is conflict or imperfection in the DNA; then he/she has a right to overrule what God has created with His DNA.  If this is true, then, it can only mean that:


1) The mind of man is more perfect than the mind of God;

2) DNA and man are imperfect creations; therefore God makes mistakes;

3) Man cannot control his behavior because of his DNA (chemical make-up, hormones, et al).  It is not man’s fault; but, God’s;

4) God needs man to perfect and finish His work;

5) God has given man the right through freewill to choose whatever he feels he wants to do and be.  Therefore, if your mind is telling you to be something different; then, you have a right to choose what you feel you should be;

6) And last but not least, perhaps there is no perfect God, no divine order; therefore man must create order.

If all of these beliefs are in play, if Satan has fed these lies to the world, then there is chaos.  He has set out to do exactly what he planned to do—confuse man as to who he is and what God created man to do.  He has presented man with the option of RIGHTS without RIGHTEOUSNESS.  Yes, I have already made my deduction, but let us still explore...

We need only to address one of these theories.  The answers to the rest are determined by this one deciding factor.  The answer to the following question determines the order of man.  Does a perfect God exist?  If you question His existence and you believe no one can prove that He exists, then you need not go any further.  However, if you believe there is a perfect God and your proof is your faith; then, we must start all over with the overwhelming and underlying question of faith.   Belief in God and His Word is based on faith.  For Believers to define their sexuality, they must go back to the intent of the Creator, therefore they must have faith in His Word.  FAITH is the real issue and the lack thereof. 

If there is no perfect God, then we must live with the order man creates.  Then, man can do as He pleases.  Man must create his own order or choose to live without order. Without order, men and women live in constant fear and the needs of many go unmet.  It sounds very familiar.  There is more fear, confusion, poverty, disease, crime, violence and chaos in the world today, because man has decided either to reject the order of God; or to believe there is no God. 

Certainly, people will say this is a biased analysis, because I am a Believer.  Nonetheless, I believe we can already rule this theory out because history has proven man is incapable of creating order, when he does what he pleases. 

But getting back to faith; our inability to come to a consensus on male and female sexual behavior stems from our faith.  Some people believe the Bible is the Word of God and is infallible; some do not; others pick what they choose to believe from the Bible.  So, if people have different faith and beliefs, there is nothing we can do; or is there?

Romans 10 (NKJV) Israel Needs the Gospel

10 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”  Need we say more?  Is there bigger proof for the need to preach Christ into the lives of God’s people, today?  We look for answers in the wrong places.  When faith in Christ is the answer to all.  Let us teach others to abide in Christ.

But getting back to our theory; now, if there is one God, does an all powerful, perfect and knowing God need man to create order?  Yes?  No?  God is a God of order because He is the Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end; man is His creation; He is a perfect God and DNA was created within His plan and wisdom.  But how do we know this?  Why should we believe this?  Oh, it is in the Bible.  Are those exact words in the Bible? Can we find DNA in the Bible?  Okay.  You say the Bible is the Word of God.  How do you know this? By Faith?

Then, again, perhaps the underlying , overlying, all around question and answer is Faith?  Where is your Faith?  Do you believe in God and that He is your Creator?  Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God given to man to put order in man’s life through a relationship with God?  Can you Be Still, and know that He is God?  Do you believe He knows what is best for you even when you feel differently?

We NEED God to put order in our lives.  Man cannot create order or life.  Life is more than sexuality, reproduction and living in the world.  We can only find life in God, through Jesus Christ.  Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  To have life you must live in holiness and righteousness to gain peace and understanding of who and what you were created to be and how you are to live.

No law can validate sin.  No law can create holiness and righteousness where there is a lack of faith; fear and reverence for God.  Just as nothing you physically change about yourself can give you identity and peace, no prodding, treatment, counseling or coercion can change someone who lacks faith and trust in their Creator.  Cruelty, oppression and force are not the ways of fellowship and discipleship.  We must ask God to increase their faith and be examples as faith driven disciples.

Romans 10 (NKJV) Israel Rejects the Gospel

14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 
15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?”
17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
18 But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed:
“Their sound has gone out to all the earth,
And their words to the ends of the world.”

But let us go back to feelings; feelings that cause us to act upon them and fall into sin.  God created ‘feelings’ for us to ‘rule over’ to prevent us from falling to sin, which is the result of a lie; a lie fed to us by Satan. 

When we become confused; dissatisfied; distraught; angry; when our beliefs are incongruent to the Word of God, then, sin ‘lies’ waiting at our door. But thank God that He sent His Son to keep us from sin; to take away the confusion; and show us who we are.  Through Christ, we find our direction and purpose. When you come to know God you know that you are someone special.   You exist because of His love for you.  He created you to be a man or woman because of His love for you.

God told Cain, Genesis 4:6 (KJV):

So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 
If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”

God does not expect us to do the impossible; in other words, He made you to be able to rule over that which causes you to sin; your feelings, emotions and body.  This is what our ‘Father’ expects of His children and has given us the power to do through the embodiment of Christ. His quintessence; His perfect example in conquering self and the world is ours for the asking.

Now, I am sure that you are saying that the problem lies beyond faith in God.  Perhaps you believe there is no clarifying definition of a man and a woman.  What is a man and what is a woman…and is there an androgynous overlap?  Modern man likes to be very scientific, specific and intellectual.  If there is no constant then there is no clear definition or proof to the hypothesis.  We can’t go just by outer appearance, we must dissect. 

Yes, there is a definition and only one definition that Christians must consider.  We find it in Genesis; where God tells us about the relationship of intimacy and interdependence that males and females were created to have together.  That was the end of creation.  He stopped there because that was the purpose for their creation; a relationship as husband and wife; and a relationship with Him. 

Genesis 2:18-25 (NKJV)

18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” 
19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. 
20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.
21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
23 And Adam said:

“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.”

24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Note, that God did not make Adam another man as a comparable companion.  It would have been very easy for Him to just keep on going with the same pattern.  But, He intentionally made a woman taken from Adam.  God’s intent was not to duplicate Adam, nor create something greater or less than Adam.  His intent was to create a similar and compatible companion to help Adam.  Yet, today, the world would have us believe that God was not finished after He rested; He forgot to give us clear instructions; God makes mistakes; nature is in charge and is indecisive; God gave us free will to decide our sexual preference; I can be both sexes; Pedophilia is normal; and promiscuity and adultery is a preferred lifestyle.

Nothing is too hard for God.  He created DNA.  Why do you believe He can’t control it?  It is your will that chooses to succumb to that which would have you sin.  Did God make a mistake?  No!  He gave you an opportunity to Be Still and know that I AM GOD!  Be who and what I created you to be.  Put your faith and trust in me, not yourself or man.  Watch! Watch what I can do!

Many continue to live in sin because they say that Jesus never said this or Jesus never said that.  They make their argument by saying that, Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, slavery, wearing short skirts, carrying guns, etc.  Jesus said what His Father told Him to say.  He spoke metaphorically because His Father told Him to. He said He did not come to do away with the law or the prophets , but to fulfill them; and by fulfilling, He allows us to abide in Him to keep from committing those acts of transgression and disobedience which His Father forbade in the Old Testament and continues to judge as sin. 

Do not be deceived when someone tells you Jesus didn’t speak against something.  God’s laws stand, but when we live and abide in Jesus, we are kept from sin and being under the law, for we die to self and live in holiness and righteousness.

 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

Think clearly, Jesus said the Father is in me and I am in the Father.  Listen to what God said before Jesus descended into the world and what God continues to say now.  He has not changed.  He is the same today as He was yesterday.  When He made Adam and Eve it was HIS plan.  At no time has He deviated from that plan.  Man has chosen to become the deviant and created an abomination to the Lord.  Then, man wonders why darkness presses upon him, why do I feel confused; when he is the one who opened the door and invited it in.

Sodom and Gomorrah was not only about bad neighbors, sodomites and male prostitutes.  It was about people who made flesh their “God”; corrupt, idol worshipers; lovers of themselves who indulged in all manner of fleshly immorality.  

God is a jealous God.  We are to put no other God before Him.  When we consider ourselves, our bodies more important than God’s word, then, we become lovers of ourselves and worshipers of ourselves; making our temples idols. 
The world is full of idol worshiping, today.  We teach our children to have idols through games and toys.  We teach them to become idols and imitate those they idolize.  People are obsessed with how they and others look and dress.  Vanity and pride are considered to be virtues.  People imitate others and never truly explore who they really are and fulfill their identity in Christ. 

Is it no wonder that we find so many people have fallen to sexual immorality and lack true identity?  Is it no wonder that there is so much mental and emotional instability?  Most pills doctors are prescribing are for psychological illness and sleep disorders.    How can anyone determine who and what they are, when they are exposed to so much hypocrisy from the time that they are born?  What we see today is not a biological explosion of nature going awry, nor is it freedom of expression and equality for those who have long suppressed their true nature.  It is man’s choosing to do as he pleases again and not realizing or understanding the outcome and consequences of his actions. 

By rejecting God’s order for man and disobeying God’s first commandment, we have created a society of gender confused people.  The first commandment to men; the one that Adam and Eve disobeyed because of pride and love of self.  God was not being arrogant when He made the first commandment.  He was saving us from destroying ourselves and falling to the very chaos, confusion and debauchery that has society disclaiming God’s word and drowning in darkness.

Matthew 22:37-40 (NKJV)

37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

Believers feel they must walk timidly around the subject of sexual immorality for fear of being called judgmental, hypocritical or homophobic.  Yet, it is the sin of the sexually immoral which judges them from the mouth of their Creator. 

Believers  are quick to protest abortion and the destruction of an unborn life, but they support and celebrate the abortion of the soul and life of those who fall into sexual immorality.  They no longer protect their children from the influence of movies, videos, and television that contain explicit and immoral sexual behavior and music that influences and corrupts their minds.  

Many live life ashamed and feel they must practice deception because they too are victims of Satan’s lie.  Many have loved ones who have fallen prey to the lies and live blindly in sexual immorality; but they turn their heads to what they know is against the will of God and keep silent.

Why talk about this?  …because one thing leads to another.  Everything we do affects those around us.  Children of God…please listen and know that your beliefs have value and purpose to preserve mankind and to lead us to walk in righteousness and holiness!  Your faith has power to overcome darkness, heal the sick and cast out demons!  We can not live in fear of the world which gives rights to the unrighteous and takes our rights away, placing us in bondage to laws that seek to crush our very soul and make us deny our God and the Maker of All!

Yes, many Believers feel we must embrace sin and support others in sinning.  They think we put our faith on the ‘spot’ if we don’t show we love them by supporting and tolerating their sin.  So, now, we glorify and idolize those who indulge in promiscuity and adultery.   We validate our beliefs by telling others that we have “gay” friends.  

What is a friend if not someone who helps you to walk in righteousness?  If not, you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing; a hypocrite; a liar and the love and truth of God is not in you.  Are you a friend when you shake your head in pity and continue on your way; leaving your friend to bleed to death on the road; doing nothing to heal their wound; believing there is nothing you can do; or not wanting to offend your friend; or get your hands dirty?  In doing so, we, FOLLOWERS betray Christ and our friend; that is why we lie like beaten dogs; cowering in a corner; licking our wounds; covering our eyes; clinching our hearts; sobbing in the night; watching our children be led into sin and death by what the world has deemed ‘normal’; but we still call ourselves FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST--BELIEVERS. 

The world does not understand our faith abd our belief!  We are offensive to the world and always will be!  Accept your cross as Jesus did!  We love our brothers and sisters in the world more than the world loves them and more than they love themselves.  If God be in us, we can love no other way.  But, to love them is to bring them closer to God; to love them is to tell them the Truth always in love; to love them is to tell them that tomorrow is not promised to them—Repent! 

However, they are not alone in their wandering astray and seeking love and identity in the world. We too, may be so very lost in the world and we don’t know who and what we are.  We see big, strong birds flying by and we want to be like them.  Other birds are joining them, so we decide to join them, too.  But, they’re made differently from us and we wonder why we can’t keep up.

We try to build our nest like them and it’s all wrong for us.  Then, we wonder why we’re so uncomfortable and it’s falling apart; but we stay there anyway, because it gives us a false sense of love, security, pride, and accomplishment.  We convince ourselves that this is love—this is growth—this is who I am.  But, God has made us swans, which must be transformed, kept apart from the rest.  But first, we must go through something in life and in order to do this; we must attach ourselves to God.   

You looked in the mirror and just saw you; and you didn’t like what you saw so you decided to make yourself look like somebody else.  If you would have looked in God’s Word, you would have found yourself.  If you would have looked up at the cross, Jesus would have looked back at you with love and approval.  If you would have accepted Him and taken him into your life to abide in Him, then the reflection in the mirror would have shown you Jesus.

My dear brothers and sisters, my FRIENDS, we cannot continue to simply move on and ignore the chaos, destruction, decay, and discomfort around us; sweeping it under the rug.  Nor can we give up, accept defeat and live with the pain.  We must observe the affect our behavior and decisions have on people and our environment.  Have we brought Heaven to Earth?  When we look in the mirror, do we see the image of God looking back at us?

Man has ignored his abuse and pollution of the planet in the name of progress and prosperity.  Now, the planet and its inhabitants are suffering and dying.  Can we and should we wait to try to correct the situation because the economy is suffering and governments are unstable; or do we continue our behavior and ignore the problem, because we need to build more over-sized buildings, houses, cars and luxury items? 

If we have not dealt with our weaknesses, just how strong will our building be?  Can we build God's Kingdom covered in darkness? Can we build relationships covered in darkness?  God didn't allow David to build His temple because he had blood on his hands--too much darkness had passed through his hands.   Yet, we believe we can do God's work holding on to sins and weaknesses; putting them on the back burner, until we are ready to truly deal with them.  Won’t these sins and weaknesses be manifested in our leadership; worship; relationships and work?  Are we laying pillars that Satan will bring down upon our head and the heads of others?  David's hands could not build a temple that would be holy, completely holy to the Lord; and the Lord could not dwell within.  Will God’s blessings and holiness be upon our building and relationships?  Can God dwell in our temples?

Yes, it is hard for us to accept who and what God wants us to be and live daily within the realm of holiness, when we and others have expectations and desires.  Good expectations and good intentions often blind us to our weaknesses and lead us down the wrong path because we want to please ourselves or please and help others.  Nonetheless, we must stay true to whom God has made us to be and how he expects us to live and grow.  And most of all, how He expects us to treat others.  Be Still, my brothers and sisters, HAVE FAITH, and He will show you what He can do for you. Watch Him!

Father, great is Thy Faithfulness. Always, Lord.  Always unto us.  Help us to expose the lies, Father.  Help us to free our brothers and sisters from addictions and bondage that keep them from living in holiness and righteousness and in the full abundance of your Glory. 

Today, Satan builds us a stairway of lies, leading down to him and the pit of hell and damnation.  Father, help your children to look up to the Light and climb out of the darkness into your Light.  Father, strengthen them to resist the lies and temptations.  Teach them how to lean on Your everlasting arms everyday. 

Father, we can do nothing without You.  The world pulls at us, trying to pull us back into the lies and pit that waits to destroy us.  We may not have people of faith around us to keep us strong and encourage us.  We may not know how to take that first step.  When we look up, we may feel ashamed and then turn back.  If we let go of the lie, we don’t know what is out there for us.  We don’t know if we can adjust.  Will anybody love us and take care of us?

Father, let them see your hand.  Let them see people who will help.  Let them know that they can take hold of Your hand and let You pull them up out of the pit.  Let them know that somebody is out there waiting for them; a Father and a brother they can depend on; who will never leave them alone. 

Open up the eyes of Believers to see their sin in leaving their brother on the side of the road.  Open up their hearts to love them as they should; to care enough to lead them to Truth, holiness and righteousness; to care enough to walk with them; care for them; show them Jesus; and lead them to discipleship. 

Our lack of concern and conviction shows our lack of faith, Father.  We do not truly believe that all things are possible for we who love You and call upon Your name.  We choose shame and passiveness instead of Victory and Glory in the name of Jesus!  Father, we look to others to repent and change, when it is we who need to be transformed and repent.  We want You to stand for us, but we are too weak and cowardly to stand for You.  We, too, don’t know who and what we are and have allowed the world to change us. 

Forgive us, Lord.  Please forgive us.  Wake us up! Stand us on our feet and tell us to gird our loins.  Make us put on our armor and fight the battles that You set before us and have already given to us in victory!  You have given us a Living Word that can transform man and destroy our enemy.  Show us how to abide in your Word so that fear and darkness do not overtake us and prevent us from claiming what is ours!

We believe we have options and we believe we have time.  But, Lord, You have told us that one day there will be no options, nor will there be time.  We see now that we are hated and others seek to destroy us, along with Your given Word. 

Let us fight harder, knowing that our God cannot be defeated!  Let us stand our ground with our feet planted upon the Solid Rock.  We shall not be moved! 

Oh, Lord, we love you.  We love you and magnify Your holy name!  The Remnant and the Body of Christ await your return; to sit at your feet and be blessed. Amen

By the grace and mercy of God,

Your servant,